2024 Fall Symposium - Sponsorship

Conference Sponsorships
Fall Symposium sponsors have the opportunity to purchase either of the following options (first-come, first-serve) until September 15, 2024. After September 15, any options still available will be open to non-sponsoring companies at twice the price.
If you have any questions, please contact
Platinum Sponsor: $25,000 (Limit 1)
- Three complimentary registrations
- Logo printed on attendee bag
- Opportunity to place an item (flyer or giveaway) in attendee bags
- Link and company logo on the Fall Symposium webpage for one year
- Large banner ad placed on PMSA homepage through 2024, included among rotating graphic announcements at the top of the homepage at pmsa.org
- Opportunity to conduct one PMSA webinar (must be held between August, 2024 - October, 2025
- Sidebar ad on PMSA website
- Enhanced verbal recognition as sponsor of the Fall Symposium
- Enhanced sign recognition at the Fall Symposium
- Slide loop to be played before start of the Fall Symposium
- Logo on e-blasts promoting the Fall Symposium
- Pre-event and Post-event attendee lists
Gold Sponsor: $10,000
- Two complimentary registrations
- Link and company logo on the Fall Symposium webpage for one year
- Sign recognition at the Fall Symposium
- Pre-event and Post-event attendee lists
WI-FI Sponsor: $2,000 (Limit 1)
- Sponsor can name the conference wi-fi password (8 character limit)