2024 Fall Symposium - Agenda

Fall Symposium • Chicago, Illinois • October 3-4

Symposium Sponsors

Opitmize Rx

Best Poster Presentations

  • 1st: Unearthing the True Value of Payer Reimbursement Data: Extracting Insights on Reimbursement Patterns Using AIML
    Dheeraj Kathuria, Trinity Life Sciences
  • 2nd: Leveraging AI for Enhanced Marketing Content and Analytics
    David Moyer, Axtria
  • 3rd: AI to Forecast Sales Data for Lagging Channels
    Saurabh Sarker, Axtria

Attendee Choice Poster Winner

  • Enable Patient Analytics from AI-Ready In-House Claims Data
    Pablo Delgado, Merck
    Sonali Ganla, Axtria


07:30 AM - 08:30 AM


08:45 AM - 09:00 AM

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Speakers: Jing Jin, Nuray Yurt

09:00 AM - 09:45 AM

 Focus Session 1: Accelerating Pharma Business Analytics with AI-Ready Data Products Strategy

This workshop offers a deep dive into transforming data management within the life sciences industry. You'll discover how a data products strategy can unify fragmented data landscapes, decentralize ownership, and harmonize data across regions, brands, and therapeutic areas. We’ll highlight how leveraging Analytical-Ready, Report-Ready, and Generative AI-Ready Data Products drives faster analytics, reduces operational costs, and fosters innovation. Through real-world case studies and actionable insights, you’ll learn how this approach accelerates time-to-insight, enables self-service analytics, and empowers AI solutions—while significantly enhancing data quality, trust, and overall operational efficiency.

Speakers: Rajesh Choudhary, Ed Scura, Jaan Nashin Singh

09:45 AM - 10:15 AM

Poster Break (Poster Judging #'s 1-11)

10:15 AM - 11:45 PM

 Workshop 2a: Leveraging Causal Inference Methods to Measure the Impact of DMA-Level DTC Marketing Campaigns

In this session, we will delve into the complexities of measuring the impact of DMA-level Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) marketing campaigns within the pharmaceutical industry. We will examine various scenarios, highlighting instances where prior experimental setups are permissible and those where they are not. Additionally, we will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different causal inference methodologies tailored to these scenarios. Our goal is to empower business analytics professionals with actionable insights and advanced strategies in causal inference, ultimately enhancing their expertise in navigating the challenges of DTC marketing measurement.

Speakers: Mengyao (Vivian) Zheng, Thomas Boyle

 Workshop 2b: Enabling EDA Automation for Commercial Analytics using LLM

How Gen AI can be integrated to perform data transformation and extract key insights out of it.

Speakers: Sriram Ananthakrishna, Jalpeshkumar Chavda

11:45 PM - 01:00 PM


01:05 PM - 01:50 PM

 Breakout 1a: Methodological Advancements to Get More from Your Retrospective Match Analyses

Retrospective Matching Analyses (RMA) are often relied upon to conduct impact assessments of promotional/educational activities when a randomized control trial is not feasible; despite the ubiquity of RMA applications in practice, many practitioners of the techniques may be unaware of their pitfalls when not properly deployed. Moreover, recent literature in the RMA space has demonstrated that even some of the most traditional of RMA methods need to be revisited and in some cases even abandoned (most notably Propensity Score Matching). In this presentation we will provide an overview of the fundamental assumptions underpinning RMA. Additionally we will provide a survey of traditional methods and highlight the shortcomings/requirements of each.

Speaker: Nathan Corder

 Breakout 1b: AI-Powered LoE Forecasting: A Novel Approach to Sales Erosion Prediction

Loss of Exclusivity (LoE) is a critical event in the product life cycle, leading to sales erosion of branded products due to competition from generics. Traditionally, the ranges for sales erosion post-LoE are estimated through Analogue Analysis, which involves a collaborative cross-functional effort for data gathering and attribute selection. However, this process is often cumbersome and time-consuming, with a high probability of errors or missing crucial information.

To address this challenge, we developed a UI-driven analogue selection app that uses AI algorithms to measure product similarity. This app allows users to quickly run different simulations to select the best analogues and estimate the final erosion curve in just a few clicks, without any data processing or manual analysis. The app features a comprehensive repository of approximately 300 analogue products from different therapeutic areas, along with 50+ selection attributes developed in collaboration with medical, commercial, and access experts. It employs state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised machine learning models for analogue selection and generates additional insights for strategic decision-making.

This session will provide an in-depth look at the development and implementation of the analogue selection app, showcasing its impact on reducing time and effort in analogue identification and improving the accuracy of sales erosion estimates post-LoE.

Speakers: Sunil Kushwaha, Aayush Tandon

01:55 PM - 02:40 PM

 Breakout 2a: Enhancing Patient Analytics: An AI-Driven Platform for Superior Data Accuracy and Insights

This session will provide an overview of an innovative in-house solution designed to enhance patient analytics, thereby achieving launch excellence in the rare disease market. The key takeaway for the audience will be to recognize the immense potential of machine learning and artificial intelligence in driving analytics across commercial functions.

Speakers: Julia Joseph, Sami Ullah

 Breakout 2b: Utilizing AI to Identify Unrealized Opportunities and Optimize End-to-End Field Force Operations

This presentation will showcase how Bayer has fundamentally transformed Field Force Operations into a practical and sophisticated one using an Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning-driven approach across 3 primary sub-functions - Design & Planning, Execution and People.

Speakers: Eren Sakinc, Saurabh Sarker

02:45 PM - 03:30 PM

 Breakout 3a: AI Driven Customer Experience in Oncology

In today's rapidly evolving oncology landscape, organizations must embrace the power of predictive analytics and AI-driven capabilities to enhance customer experience. By strategically deploying AI-powered solutions, we can streamline workflows, personalize engagement, and improve outcomes for healthcare providers, patients, and their caregivers. We should aim to harness AI capabilities to anticipate customer needs, optimize touchpoints, and deliver a seamless, data-driven customer experience that sets a new standard of excellence in the oncology space.

Speakers: Srikanth Polireddy, Mohit Singla

 Breakout 3b: Transforming Segmentation Strategies with AI and Machine Learning

HCP segmentation, also known as customer segmentation, is the process of dividing healthcare professionals (HCPs) into distinct groups based on certain characteristics or criteria. This segmentation helps pharmaceutical companies to better understand their customers and tailor their marketing strategies and communication efforts accordingly.

Speaker: Sathyan Kallamparambil

03:30 PM - 04:00 PM

Poster Break (Poster Judging #'s 12-21)

04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

 Panel Discussion: Building the Future: Hiring for AI-Powered Business Analytics in Pharma

As the pharmaceutical industry increasingly embraces AI-driven business insights and analytics, the demand for skilled professionals who can lead these transformative initiatives is growing rapidly. This panel will delve into the critical aspects of recruiting, developing, and retaining top talent in this evolving landscape and discussion topics will include the essential skills and expertise required, the importance of domain-specific knowledge, and strategies for fostering collaboration between data scientists and business leaders. Additionally, the panel will touch upon industry trend and how to measure the business impact of AI initiatives.

Join us as we discuss how to build the data science and analytics teams that will shape the future of the pharmaceutical industry.

Speaker: Jing Jin, Mehul Shah, JP Tsang, Nathan Wang, Nuray Yurt

05:00 PM - 05:15 PM

Day 1 Reflections

05:15 PM - 05:30 PM

Poster Break (Poster Judging #'s 22-24)

05:30 PM - 07:00 PM

Networking Reception


07:30 AM - 08:30 AM


08:30 AM - 08:40 AM

Final Day Welcome

Poster Award Announcements

Speakers: Jing Jin, Nuray Yurt

08:40 AM - 09:25 AM

 Case Study 1a: AI-Enabled Action Alerts to Enhance Field Effectiveness

In today’s promotional environment, it is critical to arm the field force with actionable recommendations to maximize their time with the right customers focused on the right activities. Through our Action Alerts program, Astellas and Axtria partnered to deliver clear, concise recommendations to the field and create awareness in areas such as Rx Abandonment, Sample Optimization, Team Coordination, and other key areas of rep success. This program took the NBA (Next Best Action) concept, optimized it using AI, and implemented it through practical, easy to understand suggestions to the field, with the goal of increasing Rx uplift, keeping reps focused on the highest potential customers, and changing rep behavior through enhanced engagement and execution of these practical suggestions. This presentation will show how Astellas and Axtria worked together to leverage data, convert it to useful rep suggestions, and ultimately improve brand performance for through better field execution.

Speakers: Steve Bull, Sachit Dwivedi

 Case Study 1b: Nuances of Leveraging Generative AI for Structured Data Processing and Insights

Enable non-technical users to access insights via natural language generation-based applications that leverage generative AI (GenAI) and have user-friendly interfaces and strict data access controls.

Speakers: Sudip Chakraborty, Sourabh Pandey

09:25 AM - 10:10 AM

 Breakout 4a: Forecasting Evolution within Pharma Industry

Over the past few decades, pharmaceutical forecasting has progressed from intuitive methods to more scientific approaches. This session offers an overview of the evolution of forecasting methodologies and their increasing reliance on data. It also provides insights into the potential future direction of the industry.

Speakers: Andi Cupallari, Nitin Khandelwal

 Breakout 4b: Enhancing HCP Behaviour Understanding With Multimodal LLM Profiling For Personalized Outreach

During the session we will presents a methodology leveraging multimodal LLMs to profile HCP behavior for personalized outreach. By fusing structured and unstructured data, the approach provides deeper insights into factors driving HCP decisions, enabling customized targeting for business objectives like understanding declining patient starts or drug adoption trends. The methodology also incorporates LLM-driven agents to interpret patient journeys and HCP timelines, enhancing content relevance. Overall, this framework significantly improves personalized communication strategies, offering actionable insights for marketing and clinical teams to enhance HCP engagement.

Speakers: Prabhu Prakash Kagitha, Maharshi Yeluri

10:10 AM - 10:35 AM

Poster and Networking Break

10:35 AM - 11:20 PM

 Breakout 5a: HCP Prioritization - Improvements in Process, Inputs, and Algorithms to Make the Most Accurate Predictions

How should we select the most optimal targets for our pharmaceutical marketing efforts? This session explores one practical solution - figuring out who is likely to prescribe our products. At the core of the solution are machine learning models that find patterns in the data and get an accurate prediction for the future. But as you'll see a practical end-to-end solution requires many more components!

Speakers: Sai Rithvik Kanakamedala, Devika Kaushal

 Breakout 5b: See the Larger Picture than what Your data Source Portrays with 26 Hidden Gems from the Public Domain

We always grapple with the same haunting questions when we analyze a data source to provide insights, make decisions, or recommend actions to be taken. How complete is the data? What are the holes? What are the biases? What anomalies in the data may throw off our findings? In other words, we need to calibrate what the data suggests. Indeed, we need to assess and enhance the data source and even bring in other related data sources to ensure we are not off the mark. In this talk, we’ll discuss 26 data sources from the public domain that help us do just that. We’ll provide plenty of examples and illustrate our points using real case studies. Why is it, you may wonder, that most analysts are not aware of those 26 data sources? It’s precisely because they are free. These data sources are not publicized. No one is calling you to give you a dog-and-pony show and sing the praises of the data sources. What’s more, there is no one to answer your questions. We embarked on a long exploration journey years ago and that’s how we found those hidden gems that we’ll be sharing with you.

Speakers: Shunmugam Mohan, JP Tsang

11:25 AM - 12:10 PM

 Focus Session 2: Rethinking and Redefining Incentive Compensation using AI (Powered by SOTA Sequential Model) (Trinity)

Discover how cutting-edge AI/ML models can redefine your IC goal-setting process. Learn how to leverage these powerful tools to:

  • Set data-driven, accurate goals tailored to individual territories and reps.
  • Optimize resource allocation and maximize sales efficiency.
  • Improve forecast accuracy and reduce the impact of market uncertainties.
  • Gain a competitive edge by harnessing the power of AI-driven insights.

Join us for an insightful session on how AI/ML can transform your IC strategy.

Speakers: Dheeraj Kathuria, Meghana Sundaresan

12:10 PM - 12:20 PM

Closing Reflections

Speakers: Jing Jin, Nuray Yurt


180-Day Roadmap for Launching GenAI in a Pharma Firm

A Comprehensive LLM Approach to Identify Unmet Needs

AI Impact in SFE Using AI to Predict Field Force Performance Drivers

AI-Enabled Field Leadership Dashboards

Biopharma Engagement Strategy & Tactics with IDNs

Bridging the Gap An AIML Approach to Apportion Non-Retail Prescriptions Among Physicians

Building Reliable LLM Applications with a Custom Evaluation Analytics Framework

Embracing Patient Centricity Opportunities and Use Cases

Empowering Medical Affairs with Generative AI

Enabling Patient Analytics from AI-Ready In-House Claims Data

Enhanced HCP Engagement with Deep Learning Omni-Channel Recommendation and Explainable AI

Enhancing Pharmaceutical Data Utilization through Instantaneous Chat-based Analytics with Orcana

Identifying the Data-Driven Drivers & Challenges Leveraging ML to Build Where and How to Play Strategy

Leveraging AI for Enhanced Marketing Content and Analytics

Leveraging AI for Marketing Mix Scenario in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Next Best Algorithm for Deeper Customer Engagement and Better Brand Performance

Optimizing Marketing Strategies through Multi-Touch Channel Analysis Unveiling Interactions and Enhancing Efficiency

Referring Patients with Mucopolysaccharidoses II to Genetic Testing Using Machine Learning Techniques

Role and Task Based Agents for Data Integration and Analysis in Pharma

Streamlining HCP Prioritization with Automated Machine Learning and MLOps

Unearthing the True Value of Payer Reimbursement Data Extracting Actionable Insights by Analyzing Payer Patterns Using AIML Techniques